PinnedDynamic List Virtualization Using React-WindowHello world! Recently I was working on a project using React.js and one of the main requirements, was that we needed a way to virtualize a…Sep 14, 202010Sep 14, 202010
Why Most Don’t Like To Talk About MoneyI believe it is very clear for everyone that talking about money is strange, given my personal example, I remember asking my parents about…Feb 17Feb 17
Python Flask Api Background TaskHello world! In one of my recent projects I came across an apparently sensitive subject for a backend system, background tasks, something…Mar 26, 20231Mar 26, 20231
Chrome Extension “New Tab” React Application In 3 Easy StepsHello World! Recently, I started to work on a chrome extension project that runs a web application when openning a new tab and I want to…Dec 25, 2021Dec 25, 2021
Mosquitto Mqtt Broker And ESP8266 Communcation In 6 Easy StepsUsing one of the best messaging protocols for the Internet of Things (IoT), the MQTT allows us to exchange messages from a lot of divices…May 8, 20212May 8, 20212
From Office To Remote Work, What Changed ?As everyone is aware, that COVID-19 is a serious problem worldwide, companies needed to take action immediately to prevent and protect…May 17, 2020May 17, 2020
6 Daily Routines That You Should FollowHello World ! My name is Tiago Horta, I’m a young and passionate developer from Portugal. Since this is my first article, I decided to…Mar 25, 20201Mar 25, 20201